Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, March 25, 2005

Plane tickets to Korea are soooo expensive. The cheapest I've found is $904 round trip...yikes!


help me...I'm so BORED =P

Thursday, March 24, 2005

For all you people who are wondering why Easter's so early this year:

People have been asking why Easter comes so early this year. The reason is that this festival is based on the cycle of the moon. Easter is obsereved on the first Sunday after the full moon which occurs on or after the 21st day of March. If this full moon occurs on a Sunday, Easter is celebrated on the following Sunday. The earliest date for Easter since 1915 has been March 24. We will again celebrate Easter on March 24 in the year 2008, so if you think Easter comes early this year, wait three more years for an even earlier Easter!

Note: I got this off of another website, so if it's wrong, it's not my fault.

I get really sad when I think about having to move. Not just because I have pack up all my crap into my car and drive to LA but I have to find a new place, make new friends, find a church. I don’t like having to adjust to a new environment…I like things just the way they are. I wish I could take everyone and everything around me to where ever I go. I’m one of those people that need to plan and know what’s gonna happen next. But things are kinda up in the air right now and it’s unsettling. I’m so retarded because I worry about things that I have no control over…so many "what if’s". What if I’m all alone at age 65 and I’m permanently blind in my left eye and I lose an earring to my waaaaayyy left so I can’t see it? How am I gonna find it? " Hahaha ok, so that’s a bit extreme. But those darn "what if" questions keeps me awake at night (even when I take a double dose of cold medicine).

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Man, what a rough night. So I took my medicine before I went to sleep but it wore off in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep because I was coughing so much so I decided to take another dose. Bad choice. Right after I swallowed it, I felt really nauseous. I tried to lay down but I felt like throwing up, So I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet but I felt ok. Right when I started to walk away from the toilet the nausea rushed back so I stood in front of the toilet again. This went on for about 20 minutes...walking back and forth from the toilet. I think my stomach was toying with me...not funny. I decided to just go back to sleep...if I end up barfing, oh well. Luckily I didn't end up barfing but I woke up feeling like I had a really bad hang over. Who knew you could get a hang over from cold medicine? Nevertheless, being the trooper that I am, I got myself out of bed and ready for work in 10 minutes. I'm at work now and things are spinning. I walk a little funny but no one's noticed. I would go home but I have a mandatory meeting this afternoon and I've agreed to answer the phones for someone (I don't remember agreeing to that). I can't wait to pass out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I reformatted my blog but now all my comments are gone, booo! Now I look like a loser who has a blog that no one reads. I guess it doesn't matter... I don't think anyone reads my blog anyways. (But I'm still a little sad about my no longer existing comments) I really did have comments!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Apparently I have a twin that goes to the same church as me. I didn't go to church yesterday because I was coughing up my lungs. But Chris and Albert thought that this other girl sitting in front of them was me. They said that the only thing that made them doubt their assumption was the girl's choice in hair accessories. alberthkim1: and i saw the hair clip thing and i thought "man that thing is's distracting... since when did sarah wear things like that"

I think this medicine is melting my brain. Chris IMed me this morning and said, "I made this Brazilian fried thing last night" But I read it as, "I met this Brazilian friend last night" I was kinda close right? I just missed a few letters here and there.

I played with Jane, Eunice's younger sister, last night. I don't think I was that energetic when I was 11. But she's one entertaining little girl...and really smart too. She sang Ciara's "One Two Step" from top to bottom...even the rap part. I was amazed...I can't even get the first few lines down. I taught her how to play the korean card game, go-stop (yea i know...what a good influence huh?) She caught on really quickly. It took me forever and a day to figure the game out when Drew taught me. And she has really good taste in music...she likes Usher! It was sooo funny when she was talking about Usher's song, "Yeah"...she called it "Yay" hahahahaha