Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

At Embarcadero  Posted by Picasa

I finally got a new digital camera! Say ahhh!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I've been swept up in the tornado of law school and I've been spinning non-stop. I think I've studied more in these past few weeks of school than I did in my whole college career. Sometimes I seriously feel retarded because I'm staring at my book, I see the words, I'm reading reading the words, but nothing makes sense. I got called on in class last week for the first time and I felt like I was gonna throw up. Sometimes when I'm studying it dawns on me that I'm really in law school and I think to myself "I can't believe I'm really doing this." But other than all the studying and anxiety, it's no biggie.

I love Memorial Day! It's one of those holidays that come around just when you really need a break...and I really needed one! I got to go up north, relaxed with Mike, and ate the best food! I don't know why, but food in the bay area generally tastes better. I think that's why I tend to be chubbier when I live up north than when I live in so cal.

Ok, time to get back to studying!