Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Just when I thought I was getting better....BAM! I get hit big time with another round of an unknown disease =P I'm proud to say though that I got 12 hours of sleep last night. (Nyquil is a very potent sedative) I'm speculating that I have the flu...but we'll see what the doctor says on Friday.

Speaking of doctors, health care really sucks here! It took me a whole week to find a doctor who's taking new patients and my health insurance. When I called to make an appointment, I was transferred everywhere EXCEPT to the doctor I wanted to see. So finally when I get a hold of the doctor's office, they say I have to wait a week for the next available appointment. A WEEK? "Fine," I say. I just wanna know what's wrong with me and get it fixed. But right before the receptionist hangs up she says, "I hope you don't die before we can see you!" What the...that comment might've been funny to her. But to a person who really feels like she's dying, it's not a laughing matter.

Most people lose weight when they get sick...not me. The following might explain why. For the past few days I haven't been able to swallow anything solid because my throat hurt so much. So I've been on a strict dietary regimen of melted chocolate and ice cream =) I've been sucking on hershey kisses and M&Ms and eating ice cream for dinner for the past 3 days.

Isabel mentioned that carbs are a girl's best friend...It's true! So soothing and comforting =) I bet 99.9% of my carbs come from chocolate.

Monday, December 15, 2003

I'm almost over my cold...still a little phlegmy and congested. So if you don't wanna get sick, STAY AWAY. I took Thursday and Friday off from work and chilled at home...kinda made me feel like I was back in college again. Ah, the joys of daytime television...I watched Live with Regis and Kelly, The View, All My Children, Days of Our Lives, and Oprah while indulging in an entire half gallon container of cookies and cream icecream and 3 bags of M&Ms all by myself! (I'm pretty impressed myself, I must say)

So I guess "my plan" isn't really working (please refer to Dec. 9th's entry). I think once my body knows that it's gonna be put through strenuous exercise, it goes and rebels. So I've learned my lesson...FORGET THE PLAN. (I'm saying this as I munch on a Snickers Crunch bar...the plan is long gone)

Have I ever mentioned that Josh Groban is a HOTTIE? Yes, even hotter than Jessica Alba. If you just look at the guy, he's just "eh". But once the guy opens his mouth to sing...oooooo~! Makes me wanna melt! I told Chris that we could share him because he's man enough for the both of us. I don't care how many girls that guy has...I just wanna be one of them!

So if you've known me long enough, you'll know that I have a tendency to get infatuated with HOT male celebrities (such as Freddie Prinze, Jr., Prince William, Tom Welling) and talk about them like they're my boyfriends. (No, I'm not a psycho stalker) So why don't I just get a "real" boyfriend? HELLO~! Have you seen the selection? Thanks, but no thanks. Is that too harsh? Ok...let me explain. It's not that the guys here are intolerably disgusting. Most of the guys I know and have met are actually really nice. I just haven't met anyone that I'm compatible with and would care enough to put effort into developing a relationship. But don't assume that I have a big head and think that I can get any guy I want. Of course, feelings need to be mutual. But in the mean time, my current boyfriend is Josh Groban. =)

P.S. If you're reading this and you're a guy who can sing like Josh Groban, or better yet you ARE Josh Groban, my number is....yeah, I wish.