Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

To my pleasant surprise, it's actually been a good week. After some intense drama-rama at the office on Monday, things settled down. I thought the world was coming to an end on Monday because I actually got to leave work early! Even though I only left 30 minutes early, I was still really really happy I skipped all the way home.

Yesterday my aunt, her sister, and my two cousins came from Korea to visit. However, my mom mixed up the dates they were coming so their arrival was a surprise. It looks like it's gonna be a full house this Christmas... love it!

Last night I watched Spanglish. It was one of my favorite movies I saw this year (I didn't really see that many movies, but it was still really good). I love Adam Sandler! It was a bit of a tear jerker and I admit that I did tear up a bit. Movies rarely make me cry...I think I'm becoming a sap.