Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Ok, won the bet. I have (well, had) your Take 5 bar right here in my desk. Everytime I opened my desk drawer, I saw it's pretty red wrapper. I just couldn't help myself...I HAD to eat it! Sorry, I'll get you another one first thing tomorrow morning!

There's a bar in San Francisco that sells "trailer trash food"...fried twinkies, spaghettios, tatertots, etc. They even sell beer helmets! Anyone wanna go?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This morning I couldn't help laughing at my reflection in the mirror. I just looked so hideous it was funny. I took some meds last night and totally knocked out. I guess while I was asleep the Ugly Monster decided to give me a make over. I didn't know my hair was capable of looking so crazy. I had multiple crease lines across my face. If I ever get married, I feel sorry for the guy who has to wake up next to me.