Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Christmas was great...I ate, slept, and ate some more. But for some reason it didn't feel very Christmasy this year. Maybe it was because it was really hot and sunny, or maybe it was because Christmas lunch and dinner were catered and not home cooked. But nevertheless, it was a good time spent with family and friends.

Every time my family gets together, there's always a huge discussion about dating and marriage...specifically, the lack of dating and marriage in our family. Out of all my cousins in the US, only one of them is married...and he just recently got married. The rest of my cousins, including myself, who range from ages 18-35 don't have a significant other. I think my mom's getting a little worried that I'll end up an old maid. My mom told my cousins and I that our homework for the next year is to bring home a significant other to next year's Christmas dinner. I think she's getting a little desperate too because she said he/she doesn't have to be Korean...he/she can be Black, Chinese, Hispanic, White, whatever...doesn't matter. My aunt's eyes buldged out when my mom said that, and I was kinda surprised too. So just for kicks, I'm gonna tell my mom that I'm dating a Black guy...I've always wanted to date a Black guy.

My parents listed all their friends' sons that are "available". I asked if they've every met any of these guys...the said no. How can they try to set me up with someone they've never met? What if he turns out to be some psychotic freak? Yes, my parents love me.