Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I've been trying to vary the locations of where I study. I used to study at the library but I've spent so much time there that the smell of the place makes me nauseous. Then I switched to studying at Starbucks. Every time I'd come home after studying, my clothes, bag, even my skin smelled like coffee. I used to love the smell of coffee, and now it's ruined. So now, I'm trying to study at home. I tried to study in my room, but my bed looks too inviting and the TV is always screaming, "watch me!" I've resorted to studying at the dining table. Now, if this were college, I'd have a serious problem with sitting so close to the fridge. But now that I'm living at home where there's no food (EVER) and I have no time to go grocery shopping, makes it much easier.

I can't wait for winter break!!!