Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, April 08, 2005

Last night at small group we watched a little bit of the Lakers game on TV. I mentioned to Ben that I think Caron Butler is really good looking. And he said, almost in a bitter tone, "why do asian girls always have a thing for black guys?" What can I say? Black guys are just hot. However, there are of course some exceptions to the rule. For example, Flava Flav...NOT HOT. He's like the opposite of a hot black guy.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I have a very disproportionate body. Mainly long arms and legs and a really short torso. You know how your arm span is supposed to be approximately the same as your height? Well, mine's not even close...I'm 5'3" and my arm span is 5'8"! So when I let my arms hanging to my side, my finger tips almost touch the top of my knees. Now you must be thinking "Sarah must look like a freak" but I don't think it's really not that noticeable as long as you don't stare and start measuring my limbs. So today at work the ergonomic guy said my screen was too high so he tried to lower it. He kept lowering it more and more but at the lowest point my screen is still too high. So then he lowered my chair but it was really uncomfertable because if felt like my knees were at my chest. So finally he said "well, that's the best I can do...I don't understand why nothing seems to be fitting right" I was going to tell him how I have a disproportionate body but I didn't want him to think that I was weird...not that he already doesn't think so.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Chris and I made a bet. Loser buys the winner at Take 5 candy bar. It's on!