Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, January 23, 2004

Of noticed a disturbing pattern lately. It seems as though everyone in my class who moved to LA after graduating got hooked up but the people who stayed in the bay area are still single. It's true right??? What's going on here? I guess I'm living in the wrong area, hahahaha.

A couple of days ago one of my co-workers asked me if I wanted to be on her team to run a marathon. (Me run a marathon? HAHAHAHA That's 26.2 miles!!!) But I actually thought about it for a few days and it seems like something really cool to I have until July to train and get ready. So yesterday I went to the gym...but after running 4 miles, I was beat! Maybe I should reconsider this marathon business...but then again, I still have 6 months to train. We'll see =)

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I feel sooooo old! Last night I went to bed a couple hours later than my usual bedtime and this morning I could not wake up for the life of me! While I was on the BART to work and as my stop was approaching, I really didn't wanna get up so I was seriously contemplating just missing my stop and sitting there for another couple of stops. I can feel it in my's gonna be a loooooong day =P