Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Judging by my behavior, I'd be a horrible disciplinarian for my kids. I do admit that I have horrible habits, especially when it comes to eating...I have NO self control =P For these past two weeks, I've been eating nonstop to the point of near nausea. So instead of trying to make up for it by working out or doing something productive, I buy myself a pair of happy feet! If you don't know what these are, they're these huge over-sized slippers that look like sneakers. If you saw the Bachelorette last night, it was those slippers that one of the guys gave to Meredith as a gift.

So what's my reasoning behind buying happy feet? I need a pair of good house slippers to cushion my feet from my own body weight. Plus, my apartment is a freezer box and I need a good pair of warm slippers for my footsies.

If you want a pair, go to (trust me, these are grrreat!)

P.S. never play texas holdem with Isabel for money...she's a hussler!