Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Man, what a rough night. So I took my medicine before I went to sleep but it wore off in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep because I was coughing so much so I decided to take another dose. Bad choice. Right after I swallowed it, I felt really nauseous. I tried to lay down but I felt like throwing up, So I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet but I felt ok. Right when I started to walk away from the toilet the nausea rushed back so I stood in front of the toilet again. This went on for about 20 minutes...walking back and forth from the toilet. I think my stomach was toying with me...not funny. I decided to just go back to sleep...if I end up barfing, oh well. Luckily I didn't end up barfing but I woke up feeling like I had a really bad hang over. Who knew you could get a hang over from cold medicine? Nevertheless, being the trooper that I am, I got myself out of bed and ready for work in 10 minutes. I'm at work now and things are spinning. I walk a little funny but no one's noticed. I would go home but I have a mandatory meeting this afternoon and I've agreed to answer the phones for someone (I don't remember agreeing to that). I can't wait to pass out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah booze-hound!!!

8:52 AM PST  

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