Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, December 05, 2003

Today's breakfast consisted of:
2.5 cinnamon muffins
a fat piece of cranberry poundcake
a chocolate cheesecake cupcake

now I feel like yaking...why, oh why, do I do this to myself???

Today has been one of the longest days at work of my life...get me outta here!!!

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Have you heard Enrique Iglesias's new song Addicted? I'm not a real fan of the guy but his song expresses EXACTLY how I feel about chocolate. Here's the chorus:

"Baby I'm addicted and out of control
but you're the drug that keeps me from dying
baby I'm a liar but all I really know
is you're the only reason I'm trying"

Chocolate is a serious drug and I have a serious addiction!

Seolicious: you think if we got boyfriends, we'd look emaciated too?
SarahWlee: nah, if i got a bf we'd both get fat
Seolicious: hahahahhaa
Seolicious: how's that? we'd steal their food?
SarahWlee: we as in me and my bf
SarahWlee: actually, he'd probably get emaciated and i'd get really fat
Seolicious: hahahaha
SarahWlee: so i should date a really fat guy so he could lose some weight and then i won't feel as bad

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Last night as we were pigging out at Jamie's birthday dinner (Happy be-lated birthday, Jamie!) Sammy just had to share that he gets up at the butt crack of dawn at 5AM every morning to go work out. So as I was polishing off my greasy fries and digging into the giant mountain of Jamie's birthday hot fudge brownie sundae, I was inspired to go work out...not the next day...but it HAD to be that night. But when I got home after hanging out at Thalassa for a while, it was 11:30PM. But of course, because of Sammy's inspiration I HAD to go work out that night. And guess what? I really did! Impressive, I know...but I'm paying dearly for my stupidity.

I'm the type of person that needs at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night or else I get irritable. But because I slept so late last night, I woke up this morning not a happy camper. Not only that, but of course, work just had to be one of the craziest days ever! I'm sooo close to posting a HUGE sign on my desk that says "DON'T MESS WITH ME OR ELSE I'LL EAT YOU!" Luckily, the candy drawer at work was STOCKED with delicious chocolate PLUS more chocolate in my desk! Ahhh, chocolate has such a soothing affect!

So will I ever go work out at midnight on a weekday? SURE! Just as long as I have a heap of chocolate waiting for me at work the next day =)

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Thanks·giv·ing (Thngks-gvng) n.
Definition: The day of glorious gluttony when I challenge myself to see how much food I can stuff into my ginormous belly.

How much food, you ask? A very very very OBSCENE amount ~shudder~
I don't know if I can out do myself next year, but it's surprising what I can accomplish when I put my mind to it.

Going home and seeing my family this past weekend was great! Not only did I get to stuff myself silly, but I spent some good quality time with my family.
Have I ever mentioned how cool my dad is? My dad took this seminar on how to be a better father (mind you, he's already awesome) and he was so excited to show me his "diploma" hahahaha. After the class ended I guess they had a graduation...he even took a class picture, hahahaha!

He even wrote me a letter during class and mailed it to me~ Even though it was in Korean and took me forever and a day to read, I thought it was so sweet of him! Now my dad wants to email me (this is coming from a guy who's had his cell phone for over a year and still hasn't figured out how to set up his voicemail)! My dad's hilarious!