Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

There's this one Korean guy that my office is doing a visa for. His English is really limited but that doesn't stop him from calling nonstop and writing endless emails. Yesterday I got 5 emails from him and in every email he tried to use the word "message" at least 3 times but instead he spelled it "massage". I was cracking up when I was reading his emails: "I left you a massage yesterday", "I will be out tomorrow. can you leave me a massage?", "I will forward the massages to you". He cc'ed all his emails to my co-worker so this morning she walked in and said "you must feel so relaxed from all those massages yesterday." Hahahaha. Next time I email him maybe I should emphasize that it's an E instead of an A in "message"... mEssage, not mAssage.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I was watching CSI: Miami (one of my favorite shows) while I was running at the gym last night. There was this one really intense scene and I knew something bad or unexpected was gonna happen so I was bracing myself. If you've had the pleasure of watching a movie with me that has scenes that make you jump, you know I'm a screamer. So when this big guy jumped out and started shooting, I accidentally let out a scream. I think I scared the guy next to me because he stoped what he was doing and moved over 2 machines.

Monday, September 20, 2004

10 more day til I get my license back, yay!

Yesterday after church, we went to go eat at this vietnamese place in Daly City. I think they spiked our food with some hallucinogen because after left the restaurant Chongo's turret's syndrome got out of control, Jamie was acting bipolar, Unjung was 100 times slower than usual, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was a really bizarre afternoon.