Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I'm finally done with the evil evil evil LSAT! (At least for now) But my plan to party like there's not tomorrow isn't quite working out. Monday after the test, I was so high on caffine I couldn't function. (I had a large coffee and 2 red about OD). Tuesday, I woke up feeling like I had the worst hangover even though I didn't consume a drop of alcohol the night before. I dragged myself to work and dragged myself back home, ate half of a watermelon, fell asleep on the couch and woke up to watch Summerland (are really cheesey show, but oh so addicting!). The only productive thing I did was go to the gym which initiated my first day of Camp Sarah (my desperate attempt to lose the 8 pounds of stress weight I gained in the last 2 months...can you believe it??? 8 POUNDS!!!) So no LSAT Gone Wild stories to tell...yet =) WHO WANTS TO PARTY???