Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, July 09, 2004

Late night
Come home
Work sucks
I know

I was soooo close to wearing my pajama pants to work today. It was so cold this morning, and the thought of wearing any sort of non-stretch, non-fleece clothing just pained me. The weather in the city sucks...where's the sun? It's mid-july and it's still freakin freezing. I really need to move to Hawaii.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

When I went to go visit my family this past weekend, within the first half hour of my arrival my mom says, "I have a friend at church who has 3 sons...the oldest one is such a nice boy..." Ohhh geez...flashes of giant geeks and nerds flashed through my mind (shiver). I automatically said "NO THANKS." And mom just left it at that...amazing!

I spoke too soon because at dinner, she brought up "the boy" again. Just to satisfy my mom, I asked general questions about old is he, what does he do, blah blah blah. Then I asked "what does he look like?" And she responds "he's such a nice boy and has such a great personality" Good answer. And again, I responded "NO THANKS"

Later that night, my mom asked me if I wanted to go out to breakfast the next day. She said that there's this really nice restaurant right on the beach. And then she said the magic word..."BUFFET". I got sooooo excited but then I got suspicious. MY mom, the Thin Nazi, wants to go to a BUFFET??? So I casually ask my dad..."is there anyone else going?" He said, "'s friend with the 3 sons so dress nicely" Oh geez...I knew there was a catch. As much as it hurt me to turn down the breakfast buffet, I told my dad that it was 7am was too early for breakfast and that I didn't bring any nice clothes (which was true...the only thing i had was this pair of mangled capris that made me look like I just got off a deserted island). Anyways, my mom was very disappointed but she said it was ok..."next time, we'll set up a meeting more in advance" oh joy.