Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

There's this one Korean guy that my office is doing a visa for. His English is really limited but that doesn't stop him from calling nonstop and writing endless emails. Yesterday I got 5 emails from him and in every email he tried to use the word "message" at least 3 times but instead he spelled it "massage". I was cracking up when I was reading his emails: "I left you a massage yesterday", "I will be out tomorrow. can you leave me a massage?", "I will forward the massages to you". He cc'ed all his emails to my co-worker so this morning she walked in and said "you must feel so relaxed from all those massages yesterday." Hahahaha. Next time I email him maybe I should emphasize that it's an E instead of an A in "message"... mEssage, not mAssage.


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