Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, April 23, 2004

If you've ever been in my car while I've attempted to parallel park, you'd know I just plain suck at it. I'm so bad that it's even hard for me to park on a curb where there aren't even cars. I'm even worse when people stand there and watch me fail miserably at my million attempts. So a couple of days ago, I was trying parallel park on a residential street. I was kinda doing ok when I noticed this lady watching me from the window of her house. Then I started getting all nervous and messing up even more. But finally, I got it! So I get out of my car and I find the same woman standing next to my car and she says "Be careful not to hit my car" And me, pointing to the car in front of mine says, "Is this your car?" And she, pointing to a car that's parked way up on her driveway, says "No, my car's up there" and she walks away. This world is full of very weird people.

There's this maintainence guy that comes around to fix things in our office. I wouldn't mind him coming around if he just went about his business quietly. But he has this really annoying habit of whistling the same three notes over and over again. And when he's not there, I can hear those same three notes over and over again in my head. It's not even an annoying song that gets stuck in my's three stinkin notes!


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