Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Monday, April 12, 2004

I went home this past weekend for Easter and my mom's birthday. It was one EXPENSIVE weekend. First I got a fat ticket for speeding (damn it) but I admit that I deserved it (I was clocked at going 110...damn it).
Then I got my hair cut (which looks utterly horrible). While I was getting my hair cut, I had the following conversation on three separate occasions:

Stranger: what grade are you in?
Me: Oh, i graduated.
Stranger: what college do you go to?
Me: I already graduated college.
Stranger: you must've graduated early
Me: (too tired to respond so I just left it at that)

And my last big purchase was getting new contacts which brings up the subject of how shady korean people are. So I go in, get my eyes checked, buy my contacts, and the last thing the guy tells me is "oh, just to let you know...we can't give you your perscription so don't ask. We'd rather have you come back here and get your contacts rather than going somewhere else." And I was like "what?" Again, I was too tired to argue so I just left it at that. But that allowed?

Despite getting a ticket, getting a bad hair cut, and eating too much I realized that going home once in a while is a good reminds me why I didn't move back home to live with my family. =)


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