Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Thursday, April 15, 2004

I got my usual scone for breakfast this morning but something seemed a bit off with the texture of the scone. I usually eat the edges of my scone first and work my way in the center. But as I was finishing the last center piece of the scone, I flipped it over and realized that there was parchment paper stuck to the bottom and I've been eating it with every bite of my scone! I hope I don't die.

Oh, and also...when I got home from visiting my parents, it was pretty late and I was kinda hungry so I walked in the kitchen and there was this cute little easter basket that was filled with jelly beans and other assorted easter candy. Since there was nothing else to eat, I just ate a handful of the jelly beans and some candy. The next day my roomate, Olivia, says "hey, did you see the easter basket? It was sitting in front of our doorstep when I came home Saturday night...I don't know who left it so I didn't wanna eat anything in it just in case some psycho wanted to poison us." I hope I don't die.


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