Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, March 05, 2004

So i haven't heard anything about my job situtation. I was thinking about it last night, and I decided not to be a lame duck and just wait to hear the fate of my job. Instead, I've decided to be proactive and look and apply for jobs while I'm waiting. What's the harm right? I might even find something better than what I'm doing now.

So while I was taking a short "break" during my work day, I started to search for jobs and I printed out a few that seemed attractive. Before I started doing this, my boss asked me to do some research and print it out, which I complete right after my quick job search. He came back a few minutes later and asked to see what I found. I told him I just printed it out so he went over to my printer and picked up all the papers (including my job search print outs!) I totally forgot about those and after he picked them up, I ran and grabbed the papers out of his hand and suavely said "oh, some of those are mine"...real smooth.

But hey, if he's not gonna tell me anything about my job situation, I'm not gonna sit around and pick my nose hoping that I'm gonna have a job come May. And he should know that! Well, I guess he does now.



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