Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Monday, July 18, 2005

I survived! Mike and I went biking across the Golden Gate Bridge (and much much further) on Saturday. Initially I assumed we were just gonna go to Sausilito and back. I didn't wanna take the ferry back because I get really sea sick. While we were at the bike shop, the lady was explaning the routes to us but on the map Sausilito didn't look so far, so I suggested that we go a little further. Apparently Mike and I had different definitions of what "a little further" meant. I meant it as going through downtown Sausilito and coming back. Mike, however, thought "a little further" meant going to the next county.

We passed Sausilito and I was getting really tired, but like a trooper,I followed Mike and watched him get smaller and smaller as he sped his way up the road. After biking another hour or so, we finally stopped in the middle of this woodsy area (I think Mike saw death looming over my head). I looked at the map to see where we were...we were in Mill Valley!!! The thought of how far I was from the bike shop made my heart sink. I could start to hear myself whimper but I sucked it up with the hope of taking the ferry back (at this point I welcomed sea sickness...anything but biking all the way back). We biked and biked and biked and finally made it back to Sausilito, yes! I see the ferry approaching the dock (perfect timing!) but I see Mike keep biking past the ferry station, nooooo!!! I couldn't believe it...we were actually gonna bike alllllllllll the way back to the bike shop (devastated).

My legs couldn't take it anymore...I had to walk my bike up even the slightest incline. The last straw was this ginormous hill right before getting back on the Golden Gate Bridge. I was walking my bike up the hill for what seemed like actually took me 30 mins just to get up that stinkin hill. Then once on the Golden Gate Bridge, I thought it was gonna be smooth sailing but that's where the real danger was. The wind was sooo freezing and strong I almost got blown onto oncoming cars. And the fog was so dense that I couldnt' see what was ahead of me...scary. I don't know how I got back to the bike was a miracle.

I was basically bed ridden for the rest of the weekend, but looking back I guess it was fun. Mike and I biked 27 miles in 5 hours on amazing feat! Lance Armstrong, how the heck do you do it???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh, congratulations!! let's celebrate this weekend. haha

12:32 AM PDT  

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