Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Yesterday I woke up and I was really confused because when I woke up my clock said 9:30am. I was really disappointed because I thought it was Saturday and I wanted to sleep in until at least 10am. But then I freaked out because I realized it wasn't was Monday! But I calmed down when I reasoned with myself "what's the point of going to work when you're gonna be really late and work's gonna suck as usual anyways?" So I called in sick and stayed home, yay! I think I'm way more productive when I'm not at work. Yesterday I went to the gym, did 4 loads of laundry, washed all the dishes and put them away, vacuumed, went grocery shopping, cooked, and then bought myself a mp3 player for a job well done =) I think I got a pretty good deal on it. It's a 512 mb from Sandisk and it's about the size of my thumb...I got it for $99.

4 more days til Friday!!!


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