Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Monday, December 06, 2004

What a sucky Monday morning. First I wake up super late and then as I'm rushing out the door I get a very stern phone call from my dad. My dad rarely ever gets mad...I think I've seen him mad twice in my life. So remember that nasty ticket I got for speeding? Well, my car insurance needed to be renewed so the 2 ugly points on my driving record showed up and my insurance sky rocketed to $8641 for a year! Yea, my dad wasn't happy at all...I could hear his voice shaking from trying to hold back his anger. During the 3 second phone call my dad said one very short sentence: "Find a new car insurance company." click...gulp...

Thank goodness I live far away from my parents or else I'd be peeling myself off the driveway right now.


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