Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Friday, June 25, 2004

About six months ago, the kitchen cabinet that holds our plates and bowls got stuck. For months I tried to pry open the darn thing, but it just wouldn't budge! The cabinet was holding my plates and bowls hostage! So Olivia and I resorted to sharing the two plates and one bowl that were fortunately left out on the dish rack to dry the day the cabinet decided not to open. As the months passed by, we resorted to using those Glad disposable tupperware things as bowls and used the lids as plates. Yea I know...pathetic.

But good news~! Olivia's friends came over last night and they were determined to open the cabinet so we could use plates and bowls like civilized human beings...and the did it!!! So yay~! We now have a complete set of 4 plates and 4 bowls!



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