Get In My Belly!

What goes in...must come out

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

So you know how the normal work day is 9 to 5? Well, Chris (the rebel that she is) has decided to defy the normal working hours and only work 2/3 of the day. It's barely 2:30 and I get IM from her "Alright, i'm gonna go home now! see ya!" THAT'S SO NOT FAIR!!! I'd let it go if it only happened a few times...but this is EVERYDAY! Of course, I could leave at 2:30 everyday but then I'd find myself unemployed and homeless soon after =P

Since Chris has so much free time at work and is always asking me to entertain her, I suggested that she go onto and put up fake profiles and see what kind of psychos and losers reply. I'd put up a profile that says something like "Young female looking to marry rich. Willing to have as many or as few children my rich to-be husband desires. Non-millionares need not apply." But Chris shot down my idea and decided to pass her time at work by blogging... how booooring.

I can't wait to stuff my face on Thanksgiving! (not that I don't do that any other day) But Thanksgiving food is the BEST! I'm already hungry just thinking about it. I'll probably eat so much that it'll be faster rolling back here than driving.

Happy Turkey Day!!!


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